How to treat human papillomavirus in women

human papillomavirus in women

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes papillomas, warts, and condylomata, and is a trigger for the development of cervical and laryngeal cancer. Less often it can affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, conjunctiva of the eyes. According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of this infection has increased 10 times in the last 10 years. The prevalence of HPV infection in our country, according to regional studies, varies from 29% to 45%. The medical community is particularly wary because about one-third of all isolated virus genotypes cause the development of oncological pathology.

Classification of the course of papillomavirus infection

HPV, which enters a woman's body, can act differently depending on the state of immunity. Depending on how the pathogen behaves, there are several variants of human papillomavirus infection:

  • secret stream. The virus persists in the body, but does not cause pathological changes in the cells. There are no symptoms - the presence of a microorganism can be determined only using molecular biological research methods.
  • HPV-associated inflammation As a rule, we are talking about cervicitis or vulvovaginitis on the background of HPV, which takes the patient to the gynecologist. During the consultation, she can learn: how to treat HPV in women. It should be noted that the virus does not cause inflammation on its own, but creates conditions for the activation of the inflammatory process.
  • Condylomata located in the anogenital region and in the mucous membrane of the genital tract are a form of PVI (papillomavirus infection), in which case it is necessary to use modern surgical methods to eliminate the formation. After surgical removal, laser destruction, cryodestruction, or radiofrequency coagulation, complex treatment is required to prevent complications and relapses.
  • Dysplasia of the cervix. May be asymptomatic or cause discharge. Severe forms of the disease precede cancer - it is more important than ever to understand how HPV is treated in women to avoid this condition.

The classification helps the doctor choose the most effective treatment tactics. Pathogenic strains are also divided into groups according to their ability to cause oncological diseases: high, medium and low oncogenic risk HPV. Of the 40 variants of sexually transmitted viruses, 14 are classified as high and medium oncogenic risk: -16, -18, -31, -33, -35, -39, -45, -51, -52, - 56, - 58, -59, -66 and -68 types.

How is human papillomavirus transmitted?

HPV infection among women reaches 70%. However, the presence of a pathogen in the body does not mean a disease. If a person has a healthy immune system, HPV infection is usually temporary - it disappears on its own within 2 years. If this does not happen, the question of how to treat human papillomavirus in women becomes relevant.

The main mode of transmission of the virus is contact:

  • gender;
  • vertical (to the fetus born at birth);
  • household (when using a towel, razor, underwear).

Young people aged 13-30 are more susceptible to the virus. The risk of infection during the first sexual intercourse is about 60%. The virus can enter the body without direct sexual contact. Girls are most at risk for HPV, followed by its consequences. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of their genitals.

Human papillomavirus in women: causes

HPV infection among women reaches 70%. However, the presence of a pathogen in the body does not mean a disease. If a person has a healthy immune system, HPV infection is usually temporary - it disappears on its own within 2 years. If this does not happen, the question of how to treat human papillomavirus in women becomes relevant.

  • concomitant pathology of the reproductive system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • immune deficiency and beriberi;
  • often acute infectious diseases - SARS, other viral and bacterial infections;
  • early sexual intercourse;
  • abortions;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • chronic psycho-emotional stresses that weaken the immune system;
  • excessive physical and emotional stress, irregular daily routine;
  • postpartum period - due to stress and hormonal changes;
  • long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs and oral contraceptives.

Frequent changes of sexual partners increase the risk of both new strains of the virus and the activation of existing infections. When immunity is reduced, the virus integrates into the cell genome, leading to a higher likelihood of cancer - how to treat HPV in women at this stage of medical science has not yet been discovered. Therefore, it is very important to control the activity of the virus and properly stimulate the immune system.

Early signs and additional symptoms of HPV in women

The most obvious sign of the presence of HPV in a woman's body is the appearance of papillomas on the mucous membranes of the genitals and the skin of the anogenital area. They do not cause pain and, as a rule, go unnoticed for a long time. However, the activity of the virus can cause the appearance of other unpleasant symptoms, so a woman should immediately consult a gynecologist:

  • pathological discharge from the vagina accompanied by itching and burning;
  • vaginitis, frequent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis;
  • foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

During the examination, the doctor sees benign formations on the skin, changes in the cervical epithelium, signs of inflammation. Cancer can only appear in the later stages of chronic papillomavirus infection.

Is there a cure for human papillomavirus?

To understand how HPV is treated in women today, it is important to understand what approaches are available to treat human papillomavirus infection. Currently, treatment for HPV infection includes the following activities:

  • Prevention of HPV infection;
  • elimination of clinical manifestations;
  • stimulation of systemic and local antiviral immunity.

There are no drugs that can completely eliminate the virus from the body. However, research in this area continues - doctors are focusing on the need for combined treatment of various manifestations of HPV. Research in genetic engineering is promising. Instead of spreading the virus code, scientists are considering "rewriting" it to destroy itself. Reduction of viral copies restores local immunity and eliminates chronic inflammation.

Information for physicians on "How to treat HPV in women" is currently detailed in existing clinical guidelines.

When to see a doctor?

Women should be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year. Also, if you have any disturbing symptoms, you need to see a doctor:

  • neoplasms in the genital area;
  • warts in other areas of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unusual discharge or bad odor from the vagina;
  • itching, swelling, redness of the genitals.

In case of accidental sexual intercourse, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. She will perform an examination, perform a gynecological smear and scratch to detect HPV.

If papillomas develop in other parts of the body, a dermatovenerologist should be consulted. When papillomas or condylomata grow in the anus, the intervention of a proctologist may be required. This will help determine the tactics of treatment and what remedies for papilloma in a particular situation to buy in a pharmacy.

General therapy scheme

The main weapon in the fight against HPV is the person's own stable immunity. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention draws attention to the fact that in 90% of cases of contact with the virus, the clinical manifestations do not develop due to the self-suppression of the virus by natural immunity.

Treatment of HPV infection should be comprehensive and focus on:

  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • elimination of external manifestations of diseases - medically and, if necessary, surgically;
  • reduction of viral load;
  • stimulating the body's own defenses.

Chronic psycho-emotional stress, a bad environment, and accompanying illnesses reduce a woman's immune system's ability to fight off the virus on its own. There are drugs that have a direct antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, help strengthen the body and reduce the viral load. These modern medicines include a spray containing activated glycyrrhizic acid derived from licorice root. This helps stop the virus from multiplying early and reduces the number of copies of HPV genetic material in the body. The device has a special intravaginal nozzle for delivery of drugs to the cervix and uniform distribution along the walls of the vagina. In the latent course of papillomavirus infection, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy can prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and the transition of the infection to more aggressive forms. If the virus causes changes in the genital area and cervical epithelium, the spray helps:

  • eliminate inflammation;
  • eliminate itching;
  • to restore the integrity of the mucosa;
  • increase local immunity.

The use of the product is also indicated in preparation for the elimination of benign formations caused by HPV, reducing the activity of the virus and preventing relapses. The drug helps to restore the skin and prevent the adhesion of secondary infection.

Removal of papillomas and warts

Benign formations caused by HPV can be removed in the following ways:

  • cryodestruction - exposure to neoplasms with a cold;
  • electrocoagulation - treatment with high-frequency current;
  • laser removal - repeated exposure to laser radiation until an itching appears;
  • chemical destruction - treatment with special chemical solutions applied to warts and destroying them;
  • surgical removal - this type is determined selectively, given the high risk of recurrence after destruction - when other methods cannot be used.

Among the new developments in the treatment of HPV is the CRISPR / Cas9 system, which cuts DNA almost completely and places parts of it, thereby neutralizing further spread of the virus.


For initial prophylaxis, it is recommended to use barrier contraception (condoms), which will reduce the level of exposure to the virus, although there is no absolute protection against HPV. You need to be selective in choosing a sexual partner. In case of accidental contact, a special spray can be used to protect against HPV, herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus infection.

To date, the HPV vaccine is the most effective. Protects against the most common and malignant types of human papillomavirus. In many countries, the HPV vaccine is included in the mandatory immunization schedule. The most effective time for vaccination is childhood and adolescence. Previously, it was believed that the vaccine was meaningless 20 years later. However, recent studies have shown that the HPV vaccine is appropriate and effective for people aged 45-47.

If a viral infection occurs, the task of secondary prevention is to protect the patient's health, especially the immune system. Women should visit a gynecologist regularly to detect viral infections at an early stage.